As a self-proclaimed bean bag chair expert, I attempt to explain the ways of the world. And I do it all for free. I call this, The Bean Blog Chair.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Football - Getting Sacked

With the exception of my first post, all my entry titles are going to have some sort of pun or play on words that is related to the wonder world of bean bags. Take this title for example, the word sacked is the past tense for sack. Sack is another word for bag. And bag is the secondary word in the trilogy bean bag chair. I just thought of this concept tonight. I like it.

I really have no intention of talking about football, getting sacked, or any other sport for that matter. I am just experimenting with my new title idea- and if you don't mind me saying... I think it is going to be a homerun! (that was so awesome, me)

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Getting Out of Your Bean Bag Chair

Getting out of a bean bag chair can seem like a daunting task. Well I am here to tell you there is nothing to fear. Bean bag chair egress does not have to be challenge when you choose the right technique. Here are the most common options: Push & Rise, Tuck & Roll, and the often controversial Vinyl Sack Slide.

Push & Rise - Developed during the Industrial Revolution, the Push & Rise (sometimes called Traditional) method has been around for a while. Using the arm muscles to slightly elevate the body from the bean bag chair makes the job of standing up a little less stressful for the legs. The P&R method does not require great strength, but is not the prefered choice of the weak or elderly.

Tuck & Roll - The Tuck & Roll method is the method of choice for Americans ages 27 - 34 and many Canadians ages 52 - 78. It relies on the simple principle of gravity to assist in the egress process. Simply lean to the side and pull the weight of your torso forward. Gravity kicks in and does the rest. The trick with the T&R is to remain graceful. This technique has the tendancy to get sloppy so try practicing a couple times in a room by yourself before attempting it in front of friends and loved-ones.

Vinyl Sack Slide - Popularized in the early 80's, this method has been the subject of debate since its inception. Though currently banned from professional bean bag chair egress tournaments, the technique is still widely practiced in many ametuer and underground bean bag chair arenas. The method consists of sliding down the front of the bean bag chair using special friction resisting clothing. Using such apparel can shave .008 seconds off the total egress time. This method can only be used while sitting in a vinyl bean bag chair or similar materials.

Being the Bean Bag Chair Pro, I cannot fully endorse or condemn one method against another. I suggest trying each method so you can make an informed decision yourself. Be sure to take certain variables into consideration when choosing a method. Such variables may include: weight, height, alergic reactions, bean bag preference, local customs, peer pressure, and elevation. With lots of hard work and certain failure afoot, getting out of your bean bag chair can be a wonderful experience, but certainly not daunting.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Musical Chairs

If you asked me what my favorite band was, I couldn't tell you. I used to have an answer ready to go and I would talk about my favorite band for minutes. Now I don't have an answer and I use the ole standby, "I listen to everything" (formerly "I listen to everything except country"). But I now listen to everything. What's my point? None really- I am just trying to see how fast I can type- and I thought musical chairs was a clever title considering I am a self-proclaimed bean bag chair expert.

Monday, July 25, 2005

The First Official Post

Hello and welcome to my first official post of my unofficial blog. I'd like to welcome you to my ramblings. Issue number one, the blog is the ultimate source for bean bag related issues. I've been looking around and I really haven't seen a lot of blogs out there dedicated to the bean bag. Therefore, I am proclaiming myself to be the authority on the subject. So let me put your troubled minds at ease, because the Bean Bag Chair Pro is in... (start theme music)