Happy Birthday Bean Blog Chair
In all the hustle and bustle of my blogging and directory making, I totally missed the one year anniversary of my blog. It was July of 2005 when I first started this project. Now here we are a year (and a month) later and my little hobby is still around. The amazing fact isn't the fact that it this site is still here, what's amazing is that I still actually update it.
So many blogs come and go yet mine trucks on. Blogs are like puppies, sure they are fun at first, but then they grow up and aren't cute anymore. They become a responsibility and an unwanted obligation. (I probably just offended a lot of dog lovers) But not this blog. I guess when you are writing about the most exciting subject around, bean bag chairs, it's easy to stay with it.
So happy 1st birthday Bean Bag Chair Pro, the ultimate bean blog chair!
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