Christmas is Coming!
Christmas is coming the goose is getting fat,
Please to put a penny in the old man's hat.
If you haven't got a penny, a half penny will do,
If you haven't got a half penny, then God bless you!
That is a Muppet classic. Miss Piggy on lead vocals lets her talent soar. I've already decided what kind of bean bag I want for Christmas. This year I am asking Santa for a faux suede fabric bean bag chair. They're new so I will have to tell, uh... "the elves" to "build" it quickly before they are sold out. By "build" I mean buy and by "the elves" I mean my mom. They're only like $89.00 so I don't think it will put the "the elves" in poor house. But then again, I do have a job and could "build" it myself... but isn't the whole Christmas spirit about giving? :)